Amateurs have a new tool for conducting simple neuroscience experiments in their own garage: the SpikerBox.
Computer model of spread of dementia can predict future disease patterns years before they occur
Researchers at Weill Cornell Medical College have developed a computer program that has tracked the manner in which different forms of dementia spread within a human brain. They say their mathematic model can be used to predict where and approximately when an individual patient’s brain will suffer from the spread, neuron to neuron, of “prion-like” toxic proteins — a process they say underlies all forms of dementia.
Seeing movement: Why the world in our head stays still when we move our eyes
Scientists from Germany discovered new functions of brain regions that are responsible for seeing movement.
Alzheimer’s disease spreads through linked nerve cells, brain imaging studies suggest
Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia may spread within nerve networks in the brain by moving directly between connected neurons, instead of in other ways proposed by scientists, such as by propagating in all directions, according to researchers who report the finding in the March 22 edition of the journal Neuron.
Study shows vision is necessary for spatial awareness tasks
(Medical Xpress) — People who lose their sight at a later stage in life have a greater spatial awareness than if they were born blind, according to scientists at Queen Mary, University of London.